Maximilian Larena has recently participated as the keynote speaker of the annual Research Colloquium's fourth episode of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) of the Philippines. The colloquium was held last Sept. 23, 2021 via Zoom and a simulcast live stream on the official NCCA FB page and official FB page of Bicol University - the partner university for the event. Maximilian Larena presented on the the "Genomic insights on the origins and diversity of the Filipino people."
The colloquium's theme, “Salikultura Research Methodologies,” is pursuant to the NCCA Support for Research on Culture and the Arts. The event's main objective is to publicly disseminate research outputs and serve as an avenue for discussing issues and concerns about culture and the arts research, relating to directions and trajectories, agenda and methodologies, technologies and discourses, methods and data gathering pedagogy, ethics, and new knowledge generated. It is also an opportunity to gather researchers to initiate and continue the discussion about research on culture and the arts and its impact and value in the general life of the nation.
